In 1998, Microsphere was founded with the vision of developing spray drying solutions.

During these 26 years, we have:

  • Maintained an impeccable 100% track record in receiving all regulatory approvals and exceeding all expectations in our client audits
  • Handled over 350 APIs
  • Optimized our spray drying process development through extensive research performed by our team. We invite you to find out more in our scientific articles and case studies page
  • Performed scale-ups and developments in both GMP and R&D environments – this flexibility has saved our clients both time and resources
  • Added 7 new spray dryers – 5 GEA spray dryers in GMP and 2 for R&D.
  • Become the only pharmaceutical CDMO in the world that implements the innovative PolarDry electrostatic spray dryer for research and development.
  • Executed multiple tech transfers for our clients

Microsphere spray dries in all stages

  • FluidAir PolarDry 0.1
  • Procept 4M8-Trix
GMP Early-Stage Development:
  • 1X GEA Niro PSD1
  • 1X GEA NiroGPSD2
GMP Commercial:
  • 1X GEA Niro PSD1
  • 1X GEA Niro PSD2
  • GEA Niro PSD3

Our Capabilities

All our spray dryers can work with aqueous and organic solvents and there are no limitations on the choice of solvent, including acetone, chloroform, dichloromethane and THF.
We have the liberty to use two-fluid, multi, rotary, ultrasonic, and electrostatic nozzles.
We have invested in the latest containment technology enabling us to work with high potent compounds – down to 1 μg/m^3. (OEB5)
Our facilities are equipped with static and dynamic vacuum dryers – at both small and large scales – which allow us to perform secondary drying. 

Products we spray dry

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)
High Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPI)
Controlled Substances
Biologics (mRNA, Peptides, Enzymes, Probiotics)
Nutraceuticals & Herbal Extracts

What is Spray drying

Spray drying is an industrial process which transforms liquid or slurry feedstock into amorphous dried powder.

The liquid material is sprayed into a chamber where it is dried through a nozzle. Using an atomization gas, nitrogen, the particles are dried before they can reach the bottom of the drying chamber. Nitrogen is used instead of air since it is safer to use, and it avoids problems linked with thermally-sensitive materials. The particles are then separated from the drying gas, using a cyclone or a filter bag, and consolidated into a final spray dried powder product.

Benefits of Spray drying

Spray drying reduces development costs, facilitates higher drug loading, and helps to extend product lifecycles.

In addition, as a fast, efficient, and effective process, its other benefits include:

  • Improved bioavailability: spray dried dispersions of poorly soluble APIs
  • Stabilization of biologicals: proteins, peptides
  • Improved therapeutic efficacy, safety, tolerability, and patient compliance
  • The preparation of directly compressible powder is useful for further processing into multiple dosage forms
  • We control particle size, morphology and other properties that are critical for the lung & nasal delivery of inhalable powders.

Nozzle/atomizer expertise

The spraying of the liquid material into the chamber can be done with a variety of nozzles/atomizers such as two-fluid, multi, rotary, ultrasonic, and electrostatic.


At Microsphere we have worked extensively with each of these atomizers. We have also performed research and studies to enhance our understanding of their respective merits, and when they should be used for optimal results.