Microsphere’s facility is based in Ticino, Switzerland. At just a 20-minute drive from Lugano and facing the Tresa River, we find ourselves in an idyllic setting. We moved into our current facility in 2010, with new wings added in subsequent years.
Microsphere’s facility is based in Ticino, Switzerland. At just a 20-minute drive from Lugano and facing the Tresa River, we find ourselves in an idyllic setting. We moved into our current facility in 2010, with new wings added in subsequent years.
primary production area ISO 8, all equipped with material-air-lock and a separate personnel-air-lock.
which are one-pass-through and can reach very low humidity conditions (< 30 % RH.), specifically designed for highly hygroscopic powder and inhalation products.
Directly linked to our production suite. One for incoming raw material and another for intermediate and finished products. Temperature and humidity are fully controlled in our warehouses and we can provide both cooling and freeze storage. Each SKU is labelled with a QR code, for an online identification of quantity and status via ERP. Equipped with automatic movable rack systems, our warehouses benefit from enhanced storage flexibility.
For stability studies and retain samples the following conditions are applied: 30 °C/65% RH; 25
°C/60% RH; 30 °C/75% RH; and 40 °C/75% RH.