Microsphere is a leading provider thanks to 23 years of experience in capsule filling of oral and inhalation products

About Capsule filling

Microsphere is one of the few companies offering both dosator method and drum filling at all development and commercial stages
Our facility has 5 state of the art capsule fillers from Harro Höfliger (drum dosing) and MG2 (dosator system)
We offer customized and scalable solutions for DPI (Dry Powdered Inhaler) and oral products
Our team performs scale-ups and developments in both GMP and R&D environments – this flexibility has saved our clients resources and time

Microsphere capsule fills in all stages

  • Torpac ProFiller
GMP Early-Stage Development:
  • MG2 Flexalab
  • MG2 Compact
GMP Industrial:
  • MG2 Compact
  • MG2 Planeta
  • Harro Höfliger ModuC

Our Capabilities

Relative humidity in manufacturing rooms can be adjusted below 30%.
Temperature is controlled and carefully monitored
Complete capsule size and strength flexibility.
Drum and dosator filling in both GMP and R&D environments

Products we capsule fill

High Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPI)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)
Controlled Substances
Biologics (mRNA, Peptides, Enzymes, Probiotics)
Nutraceuticals & Herbal Extracts

MG2 Dosator Method

This method uses a hollow metal tube with a spring-loaded adjustable piston which is volumetrically adjusted to capture the desired powder quantity.

Harro Höfliger Drum Filling

In the drum filling equipment, powder is metered by boring a dosage in a ‘product dedicated’ vacuum drum, which rotates at the base of the powder bed. The powder dose is retained in the bore by vacuum until it is discharged into the capsule body.

Main benefits and characteristics:

  • High flexibility and adaptability to different dosages thanks to the variable geometry of the dosing chamber
  • 100% net fill weight by Multi-NETT system (capacitive sensor)
  • The diagram below is courtesy of MG2 srl, Bologna, Italy

Main benefits and characteristics:

  • Extremely precise dosage thanks to the product specific design of each drum
  • Low powder compaction, resulting in improved aerodynamic performance
  • 100% net fill weight check by the Advances Mass Verification system.
The inside of a Harro Höfliger pharmaceutical capsule filling machine.